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Erasmus+ Ireland

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Since the school term 2017/2018 we organize internships for students of BSZ (Staatliches Berufliches Schulzentrum Neumarkt) in Ireland. The destination of our ERASMUS+ funded program is the Kilkenny region and LXI (Language Xchange Ireland) is our local partner.

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For more information check out our video:


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Because of the current Covid-19 pandemic all Erasmus+ mobilities have to be postponed. As soon as we have further information we will let you know. Stay safe!

The main goals of the project are:

  • we raise our intercultural awareness and competence as European citizens
  • we improve our English skills
  • we gain experience in international work life
  • we are proactive and grow in self confidence
  • we get in contact with students from Ireland

Our program consists of two parts:

First, you will meet Irish students to learn about Irish culture, Business, History and the Irish way of life. After that you are doing an internship in an Irish company. On Wednesdays there are cultural events like playing Irish music, hurling etc...

Some Impressions of previous stays:

Follow these links for further information on

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in contact with our Erasmus+ - Team

Mr Kremerskothen, Mr Klein, Mr Finger

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